Exploring the Fascinating World of Chemistry and Chemicals

Exploring the Fascinating World of Chemistry and Chemicals

Chemistry is often referred to as the “central science” because it connects the physical sciences such as physics with the life sciences and applied sciences like engineering. At its core, chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, composition, and the changes it undergoes. One of the most intriguing aspects of chemistry is the exploration of chemicals, the building blocks of our universe. In this blog, we delve into the captivating realm of chemistry and chemicals, examining their significance, diversity, and impact on our daily lives. Understanding Chemicals: Chemicals are substances with…

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How to Store Acids within the Workplace

How to Store Acids within the Workplace

Acids are characterized as exceedingly destructive chemicals that have a pH level below 7. As they are exceedingly destructive chemicals, acids can break up human substances and devastate materials, including metal and stone. Acids will neutralize antacids, they can turn blue litmus paper ruddy, and they also taste acrid (not simply ought to ever attempt to taste them!). The word corrosive begins from the Latin word acidus/acēre, which implies sour. In this post, we’ll be looking more closely at acids, the risks they pose and how to store acids within…

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কস্টিক সোডা এবং এর ব্যবহার

কস্টিক সোডা এবং এর ব্যবহার

কস্টিক সোডা বা কাস্টিক সোডা কে সোডিয়াম হাইড্রক্সাইড ও বলা হয়। সোডিয়াম হাইড্রক্সাইড একটি অজৈব যৌগের শ্রেণীভুক্ত এবং স্বাভাবিক তাপমাত্রায় সাদা কঠিন আকারে পাওয়া যায়। এই রাসায়নিক যৌগটি সোডিয়াম আয়ন (Na+ cations) এবং হাইড্রক্সাইড (OH− anions) আয়ন নিয়ে গঠিত। সোডিয়াম হাইড্রক্সাইড রাসায়নিক সূত্রটি NaOH হিসাবে লেখা হয়। এটি সাধারণত কস্টিক সোডা বা আইয়ে নামেও পরিচিত এবং কাগজ, সাবান এবং ডিটারজেন্ট, সজ্জা, বিস্ফোরক, তরল ড্রেন ওভেন ক্লিনার ইত্যাদির মতো বিভিন্ন পণ্য তৈরিতে ব্যাপকভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। সোডিয়াম হাইড্রক্সাইড সাধারণ হাইড্রক্সাইডগুলির মধ্যে একটি অসাধরন কাজের জিনিস। বাজারে এটি কঠিন এবং তরল দুই অবস্থাতেই…

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Some Examples Of Diffusion In Everyday Life

Some Examples Of Diffusion In Everyday Life

Have you ever wondered why the aroma of your perfume or the incense sticks lit by your mother permeates your home during prayers? This is all caused by diffusion. Diffusion is a fundamental factor in both natural and man-made processes. Being a universal physical phenomenon, we deal with it in our daily life. In this article, we will see some examples of diffusion in everyday life. “Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, continuing until equilibrium is reached.” It…

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10 Effective Examples of Chemistry in Real Life

10 Effective Examples of Chemistry in Real Life

If I ask you what comes to your mind when you hear the word chemistry, I am sure you are going to imagine yourself standing in a chemistry lab and holding various laboratory instruments. But if you look closely at the world around you, an infinite number of chemical reactions are happening every second. We will discuss 10 effective examples of chemistry in real life. Thus, it can be rightly said that chemistry forms a large part of your daily life. Chemistry and chemical reactions are not limited to the…

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Acetic Acid and its Uses in Daily Life

Acetic Acid and its Uses in Daily Life

Acetic Acid is an organic chemical compound with the chemical formula CH₃COOH. It is also known as methane carboxylic acid and ethanoic acid. It is a colorless liquid with a strong and pungent odor. Most of us are familiar with the presence of this chemical compound that we call vinegar. One such sour-tasting food additive is liquid, which is simply ethanoic acid diluted in water. For thousands of years, acetic acid was only produced biologically by microbes called acetic acid bacteria. Today, acetic acid is an important industrial chemical produced…

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Applications of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) in Bangladesh

Applications of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) in Bangladesh

Hydrochloric Acid is a foamable Acid that is produced from Hydrogen Chloride Gas. It is also called HCl acid and muriatic acid in Bangladesh. There are some different grades and different hydrochloric acid price in Bangladesh. When the gas hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water a strong chemical compound is produced called Hydrochloric Acid or HCl Acid. HCl is a colorless and odorless chemical solution of Hydrogen, chloride, and water. HCl acid is also known as muriatic acid and spirit of salt or acid salts. HCl acid is a highly…

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Proper Storage of Chemicals in the Laboratory

Proper Storage of Chemicals in the Laboratory

Proper storage of chemicals in the laboratory is very important for proper use, handling, and ensuring a safe environment. In this article, we are going to know how to proper storage of chemicals in the Laboratory. Storage of Chemicals in Laboratory We should be implemented the following general suggestions for the safe storage of chemicals in the laboratory. Segregation of Chemicals Based on Hazard Classes Incompatible materials must be separated according to hazard class. Hazards are indicated on both the chemical container label and the safety data sheet (MSDS) that…

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A List of Acids and their Uses in Daily Life

A List of Acids and their Uses in Daily Life

The article “A List of Acids and their Uses in Daily Life” is very important for chemistry students and acid users. This article helps us to know the acids name and formulas of acids and their uses in our everyday life. What is Acid? An acid is a chemical substance that donates hydrogen ions to water and combines with certain metals to form salts. Acids have a sour taste and turn some dyes red. For example Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Let’s go to know the List of Acids and Their Formulas:…

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Introduction to Periodic Table and its Significance

Introduction to Periodic Table and its Significance

A periodic table is also called the periodic table of elements. A row and column arrangement of chemical elements in a word. It is mostly used in chemistry, physics, and other sciences. It is seen as an icon of chemistry. What are the elements of the periodic table? The simple or basic form of a pure substance that cannot be further broken down by any physical or chemical process. Also, elements cannot be created or synthesized from simple substances. That is, the basic form of a pure substance is the…

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