Observation of Starch Granules in Biology Lab
The Observation of Starch Granules is a practical experiment for Class Eleven Biology 1st Part in Bangladesh Educational System (NCTB).
Necessary Materials for observation of Starch Granules:
- A Big Round Potato
- Glass Petri Dish
- Compound Microscope
- Scalpel
- Glass Slide
First, the round potato should be divided into different parts with a scalpel. Then remove the liquid from the potato parts in a Petri dish and take a drop on a clean slide and observe it under the microscope.

- Round potatoes on the slide will show oval whitish granules in the extracted liquid.
- The white matter is formed by layer upon layer of white grains centered around a bright refractive particle.
- The refractile part of this grain is called Hyalum.
- Layers of white granules are arranged continuously on one side of the hilum. Hence it is called centrifugal whitewash. Since it has only one Hylum, it is a white grain of simple nature.
- Sometimes two or three white spots are clustered together. Such grains are called complex grains.