Offers for You

Special Discount on Centrifuge Tubes

Labtex offers special discounted prices on 3 types of centrifuge Tubes. This offer is valid for a Minimum of 100 Pcs Centrifuge Tubes. If you buy minimum 100 Pcs of 15ml Centrifuge tubes you can buy them at Tk. 800.00 only and 50ml centrifuge tubes at Tk. 1600.00 only. This offer is for a very Limited Time.

Uses of Centrifuge Tubes

Centrifuge tubes are used to contain liquids during centrifugation, which separates the sample into its components by rapidly rotating it around a specific axis. Most centrifuge tubes have a conical bottom, which helps collect any solids or heavy parts of the sample being centrifuged.
Extraction of fat from milk to produce skimmed milk. Remove water from moist lettuce with a salad spinner. Spin-dry the water in the washing machine to remove water from the clothes. Separation of solid blood and urine components in forensic and testing laboratories.
These centrifuge tubes are also used in various types of experiments in school, college, and university labs.

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