The Importance of Using a Lactometer in Dairy Industry Quality Control
Instruments & Equipment

The Importance of Using a Lactometer in Dairy Industry Quality Control

In the dairy industry, ensuring the quality and purity of milk is of utmost importance. One essential tool that plays a crucial role in quality control is the lactometer. A lactometer is a simple device used to measure the density or specific gravity of milk, which in turn helps determine its composition and potential adulteration. The use of lactometers in the dairy industry, particularly in countries like Bangladesh, has become a standard practice to ensure consumer safety and promote fair business practices. This article explores the importance of using a…

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Applications and Uses of Multimeter
Instruments & Equipment

Applications and Uses of Multimeter

The uses of multimeter in our daily lives are vast and essential. Whether it’s testing battery voltage, measuring circuit resistance, or checking electrical current, multimeters are versatile tools that enable us to see and understand the power around us. With their digital displays and red probes, multimeters like the Fluke meter have become indispensable in helping us measure and test various electrical components. From DIY projects to professional repairs, multimeters prove to be invaluable tools for anyone dealing with electrical systems. Applications and Uses of Multimeter in Our Real Life…

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What is a Conductivity Meter and how is it used?
Instruments & Equipment

What is a Conductivity Meter and how is it used?

1. Introduction to Conductivity Meter A conductivity meter is an essential tool used in various industries and scientific research to measure the electrical conductivity of a solution. Whether you are working in the field of water quality analysis, chemical manufacturing, or laboratory research, a conductivity meter is crucial for accurate and reliable measurements. This blog post will explore the principles behind conductivity measurement, the different types of conductivity meters available, and their applications in various industries. Whether you are a scientist, an engineer, or a technician, understanding conductivity meters is…

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Uses and Applications of Water Testing Meters
Instruments & Equipment

Uses and Applications of Water Testing Meters

Clean and pure water is essential for our daily use and environmental safety. This water is drawn from various liquid streams such as groundwater, rivers, lakes, boiler feedwater, recycled cooling flows, process wastes, and condensate water. How to ensure the cleanliness of water? This question can be answered only if one knows about the pollutants or quality of water. Although visual inspection is one of the essential types of water quality analysis, it is not sufficient. You may need water quality testing equipment to know the composition of the water…

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Hanna Brand Instruments Available in Labtex Bangladesh
Scientific Store

Hanna Brand Instruments Available in Labtex Bangladesh

All types of Hanna Brand Instruments are available in Labtex Bangladesh. Hanna is a world-famous water testing instruments company in Romania (EU), they have lots of manufacturing plants worldwide. Labtex always tries to sell and supply Branded Products in Bangladesh. We are keeping the most popular Hanna brand Instruments in our stock and we connect with a strong supply chain. Hanna Brand Instruments Available in Labtex Bangladesh Buy Hanna Brand Testing Instruments from Labtex Bangladesh at the Lowest PriceHere you get all types of pH meters, TDS meters, multi-parameter (EC,…

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pH পেপার ব্যবহার করে পানির pH নির্ণয়

pH পেপার ব্যবহার করে পানির pH নির্ণয়

আমরা দেখবো pH পেপার ব্যবহার করে পানির pH নির্ণয়, কিভাবে খুব সহজেই পানি বা কোন তরল পদার্থের pH নির্ণয় করা যায় তাই আমাদের আলোচ্য বিষয়। প্রথমে, আমাদের জানা প্রয়োজন পি এইচ আসলে কি? pH এর পূর্ণ্য রুপ হচ্চে Potentiality of Hydrogen অর্থাৎ পানিতে বা কোন দ্রবনে হাইড্রোজেনের সম্ভাব্যতা। তারমানে দাড়াচ্ছে যে, pH নির্ণয় মানে হচ্ছে পানিতে বা কোন দ্রবনে হাইড্রোজেনের সম্ভাব্যতা নির্ণয়। সাধারনত pH এর মানকে ০ থেকে ১৪ পর্যন্ত বিবেচনা করা হয়। pH এর মান ৭ মানে বোঝায়, দ্রবনটি নিরপেক্ষ। অর্থাৎ, এসিডিও বা ক্ষারীয় কোনটিই নয়। আর pH (পি.এইচ) এর মান ৭…

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