Observation of Starch Granules in Biology Lab

Observation of Starch Granules in Biology Lab

The Observation of Starch Granules is a practical experiment for Class Eleven Biology 1st Part in Bangladesh Educational System (NCTB). Necessary Materials for observation of Starch Granules: A Big Round Potato Glass Petri Dish Compound Microscope Scalpel Glass Slide Experiment: First, the round potato should be divided into different parts with a scalpel. Then remove the liquid from the potato parts in a Petri dish and take a drop on a clean slide and observe it under the microscope. Observations: Round potatoes on the slide will show oval whitish granules…

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Observation of ideal plant cells from onion peel

Observation of ideal plant cells from onion peel

Observation of ideal plant cells from onion peel is a biology practical experiment for Class Eleven (HSC-1st part). Necessary Materials for observation of ideal plant cells: i) Onion, ii) Scalpel, iii) Forceps, iv) Needle, v) Glass Slide, vi) Cover Slip, vii) Small Brush, viii) 5% Glycerine, ix) Water, and x) Microscope. The procedure of the Experiment: Cut the onion lengthwise with a scalpel into several pieces. Take a piece of onion and break it with finger pressure on the opposite side of the cut edge. This will cause the scales…

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Microscope and its Uses in Biology Lab

Microscope and its Uses in Biology Lab

The word microscope comes from the Greece languages ‘Micro’ and ‘skopein’. The microscope is an instrument with the help of which small and micro-objects invisible or dimly visible with bare eyes are magnified and visualized. Here we will discuss the microscope and its uses in Biology Lab. The ability to make different parts of an object visible is called resolving power. The resolving power of the human eye is typically 0.1 mm. That is, we cannot see objects smaller than 0.1 mm with our bare eyes. There are different types…

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