Instruments & Equipment

Top 10 Types of Water Testing Meters in Bangladesh

We need lots of parameter testing to identify the right water for the right purpose. There are lots of meters and instruments used to find out the right water in the right conditions. In this post, we are discussing the top 10 types of water testing meters in Bangladesh in 2022.

The top 10 Types of water testing meters are given below:

  1. TDS Testing Meter
  2. pH Testing Meter
  3. Electric Conductivity Test Meters
  4. Salinity Test Meters
  5. Turbidity Testing Meters
  6. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Test Meter
  7. Water Temperature Tester
  8. Water Quality Testing Electrolyzer
  9. Water Iron Checker
  10. Ammonia Checker

Also, some water testing kits are used to find out the right water. Like … Ammonia Test Kit, Iron Test Kit, Nitrite Test Kits, Nitrate Test Kit, Chlorine Test Kit, Chloride Test kit, Silica test kit, Alkalinity test kit, Sulphate Test kit, Carbon dioxide Test kit, Hardness test kit, etc.

TDS Testing Meter for Water

A TDS meter is an electronic device, that is used to indicate the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in a solution, usually water. Since dissolved ionized solids, such as salts and minerals, increase the conductivity of a solution, a TDS meter measures the conductivity of the solution and estimates the TDS from that reading.

The units for TDS usually are expressed as milligrams per liter (mg/l), which is the same as parts per million (ppm). Some meters show TDS as parts per thousand (ppt), which is equal to 1,000 ppm. The EC is a proxy measurement to determine the TDS in water.

The most useful way to categorize TDS meters is into three main groups or types in Bangladesh. These are pen-type meters, handheld/portable meters, and benchtop meters. All types of TDS meters are available in Bangladesh. You can buy one depending on your testing task.

Water Testing Meters in Bangladesh

pH Testing Meter for Water Testing

A pH meter is an electronic instrument used to measure hydrogen ion activity in water – in other words, this instrument measures the acidity and alkalinity of a solution or water.

The most useful way to categorize pH meters is into three main groups or types. These are pen-type testers, handheld/portable meters, and benchtop meters. All types of pH meters are available in Bangladesh. You can buy one depending on your testing needs.

Hanna HI 98107 pH Meter with Automatic Calibration

Electric Conductivity Test Meters for Water

The electric conductivity meter (EC meter) is an electronic device for measuring water or solution conductivity. An electrical conductivity meter (EC meter) measures the electrical conductivity of water. It has multiple applications in research and water engineering, with common usage in hydroponics, aquaculture, aquaponics, and freshwater systems to monitor the number of nutrients, salts, or impurities in the water.

Electrical conductivity is nothing but the measure of the capability of the material to pass the flow of electric current. Electrical conductivity differs from one material to another depending on the ability to let the electricity flow through them.

Conductivity is useful as a general measure of water quality. Each water body tends to have a relatively constant range of conductivity that, once established, can be used as a baseline for comparison with regular conductivity measurements. EC meters generally have three types in Bangladesh, pen-type, handheld or portable, and bench types.

Adwa Standard Conductivity Pocket Tester AD204

Salinity Test Meters for Water

A salinity Meter is an electronic device that is used to measure the amount of salt present in a substance or water. You can purchase salinity meters either on their own or as a sensor in multiparameter meters, which can measure other water quality parameters such as pH, conductivity, TDS, and more.

ATC Portable Salinity Refractometer 0 100 ppt 0 10
ATC Portable Salinity Refractometer 0 100 ppt 0 10

A salinity meter measures the concentration of dissolved (soluble) salts in water from all sources. In general: surface water salinity is described by units of “electrical conductivity” (EC) groundwater salinity is described by units of “parts per million” (PPM).

Turbidity Testing Meters

Turbidity Meters technically known as nephelometers – emit light and measure the amount scattered by particles in the sample. The units depend on the wavelength of the light and the angle of the detector(s)13; the most common units are Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) or Formazin Nephelometric Units (FNU).

Lutron Turbidity Meter TU 2016 Made inTaiwan
Lutron Turbidity Meter TU 2016 Made in Taiwan

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Test Meter

A dissolved oxygen meter basically measures the concentration of oxygen in the water. Dissolved oxygen measurement is an essential test to verify the integrity of oxygen supply systems for biological activity in reactors and sewage facilities where bacteria and biomass are grown for water treatment.

Lutron Dissolved Oxygen Meter DO 5509 Price in BD
Lutron Dissolved Oxygen Meter DO 5509 Price in BD

Water Temperature Tester

A water Temperature Tester or water thermometer is a small laboratory instrument to measure the temperature of water or liquid substant. We have analog and digital both types of water thermometers with different brands and prices.

Water Quality testing Electrolyzer

Water Quality Testing Electrolyzer is an electrical device that runs by direct electrical power to find out the water quality.

Water Quality Testing Electrolyzer
Water Quality Testing Electrolyzer

Water Iron Checker | water testing meters

The water iron checker is a very new electronic scientific device that is measure water iron by the electronic power and power solution. This meter makes it easier to determine the iron of water. Recently Hanna Instrument produce the Water Iron Checker and sell it.

Hanna HI 721 Iron Checker Handheld Colorimeter 0.00 to 5.00 ppm Range
Hanna HI 721 Iron Checker Handheld Colorimeter 0.00 to 5.00 ppm Range

Ammonia Checker

The water Ammonia checker is also a very new electronic scientific device that is measure water ammonia by the electronic power and power solution. Hanna, Hach, etc. most popular and branded company that produces this device and sells it worldwide.

HI 715 Ammonia Medium Range Handheld Colorimeter Checker®HC
HI 715 Ammonia Medium Range Handheld Colorimeter Checker®HC

Where you will get these water testing meters in Bangladesh:

Lots of water testing meters are available in Labtex Bangladesh and Tikatuli Scientific Market. You can buy from Labtex online store, physical store, or from the Scientific Market.

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