Thermodynamics and Laws of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics and Laws of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with heat and temperature and their relationship to energy and work. Broadly speaking, thermodynamics deals with the transfer of energy from one system to another and from one form to another. The behavior of the above quantities is determined by the four laws of thermodynamics. The four laws of thermodynamics describe all the minute changes that occur as a body’s energy system changes, in addition to explaining the ability of an energy system to do some work around it. It was only…

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10 Effective Examples of Chemistry in Real Life

10 Effective Examples of Chemistry in Real Life

If I ask you what comes to your mind when you hear the word chemistry, I am sure you are going to imagine yourself standing in a chemistry lab and holding various laboratory instruments. But if you look closely at the world around you, an infinite number of chemical reactions are happening every second. We will discuss 10 effective examples of chemistry in real life. Thus, it can be rightly said that chemistry forms a large part of your daily life. Chemistry and chemical reactions are not limited to the…

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Human Digestive System and its Functions

Human Digestive System and its Functions

A human digestive system is a group of organs or parts of organs. The primary goal of the digestive system is to break down large food molecules into smaller ones. The human body easily absorbs these small molecules. We derive energy from the food we consume to carry out our daily activities. Also, the food we eat helps in the growth, repair, and maintenance of the body. Cells in the human body use biomolecules and enzymes and, therefore, run the respiratory chain. All these biomolecules and enzymes are derived from…

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10 Examples of Algebra in Real Life

10 Examples of Algebra in Real Life

Almost every student says “I’m not going to use this math in real life!” When solving algebraic equations. right? However, this situation is not always the same. We often see algebra used in most areas of our daily life; For example, market people use algebraic operations to calculate profit and loss. The fact that we see no “X” or “Y” does not mean that algebra has failed to prove its existence; Still, real-life examples of algebra are countless. This precise and concise mathematical language blends beautifully with almost all other…

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Abnormal Psychology and Mental Disorders

Abnormal Psychology and Mental Disorders

What is Abnormal Psychology? Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that examines abnormal behavioral, emotional, and thinking patterns. or which may or may not be understood as predisposing to a mental disorder. Many behaviors may be considered abnormal, but this specialty deals with behaviors in general clinical contexts. Mental Disorder Study involves: Definition In general, the concept of “mental disorder” can be defined as: Definitions to be Discussed: Mental disorder as a:- “statistical deviation” “dysfunction” “personal discomfort” “maladaptive behavior” “norm or value violation” 1. Mental Disorder as a Statistical…

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12 Important Real-Life Examples of Radiation

12 Important Real-Life Examples of Radiation

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the important Real-Life Examples of Radiation. What is Radiation? Radiation is the emission and propagation of energy. It is not necessary, however, that radiation will be emitted only by radioactive materials. Radiation includes all forms of energy. It has been a part of the environment since time immemorial. No matter what we do or where we go, we cannot escape this form of energy. We are surrounded by many radioactive materials like floors, walls, and ceilings in our homes…

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Acetic Acid and its Uses in Daily Life

Acetic Acid and its Uses in Daily Life

Acetic Acid is an organic chemical compound with the chemical formula CH₃COOH. It is also known as methane carboxylic acid and ethanoic acid. It is a colorless liquid with a strong and pungent odor. Most of us are familiar with the presence of this chemical compound that we call vinegar. One such sour-tasting food additive is liquid, which is simply ethanoic acid diluted in water. For thousands of years, acetic acid was only produced biologically by microbes called acetic acid bacteria. Today, acetic acid is an important industrial chemical produced…

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10 Examples of Probability in Real Life

10 Examples of Probability in Real Life

In this article, we try to discuss the most known 10 examples of probability in our real life. In everyday life, we are often faced with some possibilities. Probability is something to do with opportunity. It is the study of things that may or may not happen. We use it most of the time, usually without thinking about it. We do not perform actual probability problems in our daily lives but use subjective probability to determine a course of action or a judgment. Everything from the weather forecast to the…

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Applications of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) in Bangladesh

Applications of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) in Bangladesh

Hydrochloric Acid is a foamable Acid that is produced from Hydrogen Chloride Gas. It is also called HCl acid and muriatic acid in Bangladesh. There are some different grades and different hydrochloric acid price in Bangladesh. When the gas hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water a strong chemical compound is produced called Hydrochloric Acid or HCl Acid. HCl is a colorless and odorless chemical solution of Hydrogen, chloride, and water. HCl acid is also known as muriatic acid and spirit of salt or acid salts. HCl acid is a highly…

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What is Psychology? Its Types and Perspectives

What is Psychology? Its Types and Perspectives

Definition of Psychology: Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. The word ‘Psychology’ comes from the Greek word ‘Psyche’ which means awareness or consciousness. Psychology directly reflects the inner side of a person & his essence (soul). A character is formed with which a man is attributed in nature.It is basically a behavioral and mental science. Scientific Context of Psychology Behavioral Context of Psychology Types of Psychology Generally, we see the 9 types of psychologies which are…

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